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Nutritional Therapy for
Central London & Highgate

About Me. Kaz

Nutritional solutions for health and well-being

Kazuwa Mandikate is a Qualified Nutritional Therapist registered with BANT (British association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine) and the CNHC (Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council).

I strongly believe in the wisdom and methods of ancient cultures in how they ate, drank and prepared food in order to provide optimum nourishment for their bodies. I combine that wisdom with proven science in order to help to produce a diet and lifestyle plan that works for you and helps to address your health concerns!

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy takes an individualistic and holistic approach to a person’s health concerns. Whether that is low energy, fatigue, problems with digestion, female or male hormonal issues, mental health issues, weight management problems, supporting cardiovascular health or managing blood sugar imbalance; Nutritional Therapy looks at what is going on at a deeper level in order to find out what could be causing a person’s symptoms.
As a practitioner I aim to investigate these underlying deficiencies and to correct them by introducing the correct foods and supplementation.

The great benefit of seeing a client in clinic is that you see that there are many aspects to a person’s lifestyle and diet that could be leading to or exacerbating a client’s condition. Stress, poor nutrition, a hectic lifestyle and lack of sleep can all play a role in symptoms.

Every client that I see will receive in depth one to one consultations and will leave with a food and nutrition plan to help address their health concerns. I also offer laboratory diagnostic testing if a more detailed investigation is needed.
There is nothing more rewarding than achieving your health goals and I aim to help and empower you to do just that!

About Me. mother and daugther

To learn more about BANT registered Nutrition Practitioners and BANT’s approach click here to watch a short video.

About Me. bant

About Me. CNHC

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